Troubling Facebook Post by Rockland County Executive Ed Day

The following is in response to a Facebook post by Rockland County Executive Ed Day:

While it is fully within the rights of the County to appeal a judicial ruling, it’s completely unbecoming for the County’s top office holder to place a Facebook post that lobs accusations against members of a minority community; a post which suggests that Orthodox Jews are the reason why people in “communities of color” do not have access to Government assistance. The negative consequences of this writing is vividly seen in the troubling comments posted at the bottom of the Facebook post.

Mr. Day’s posting was made less than two weeks after a Rockland man – from a community of color – was sentenced to three months in prison for a hate crime involving a paintball attack against Hasidic Jews. A local activist at the time claimed that the attack was a result of community divisions.

An elected official of this stature should use his position to bring communities together instead of behaving in ways which drives them further apart.

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