State Lawmaker Questions Legitimacy of Orthodox Jewish Voters (Video)

A majority of the 9 Board members of the East Ramapo Central School District in Rockland County, NY, are Orthodox Jewish. They recently won re-election in a landslide, but sitting NY Assembly Member Ellen C. Jaffee used her time on the floor of the New York State Assembly to unfoundedly question the legitimacy of the voters who elected the board. The shocking claim was made during a debate of Ms. Jaffee's bill to impose an un-American "monitor" with veto power over East Ramapo.
Said OJPAC Co-Founder Yossi Gestetner: "Ellen Jaffee does not live in East Ramapo; does not represent most of East Ramapo; literally does not know how often East Ramapo holds elections, and now shamelessly questions the legitimacy of East Ramapo Orthodox Jewish voters?"

"Ms. Jaffee's contempt for the Orthodox Jewish community in East Ramapo exposes the motives behind her bill imposing an un-American "monitor" over the school district and it should be stopped," Gestetner said.

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