OJPAC Timeline and Comment Regarding NJ AG’s Action in Mahwah

July 21: Township of Mahwah orders the Eiruv to be removed within two weeks.

July 27: A Mahwah law banning non-New Jersey residents (appearntly aimed at Hasidim from New York) from using Mahwah parks was supposed to go into effect but was stopped at the last minute by the Burton County Prosecutor. Mahwah is in Bergen County.

?July 27: OJPAC writes to Mahwah regarding the park and Eiruv that “please be aware that taking official government action against an ethnic or religious group is discriminatory and unconstitutional.” In the same letter, OJPAC requested the Township to provide documents related to its park law.

July 27: OJPAC tweets, “We urge @NewJerseyAG @cporrino and @CivilRights to investigate this apparent and reported discriminatory ordinance.”

July 28: OJPAC submits the above-mentioned letter to the New Jersey Attorney General’s office.

July 28: The NJ AG’s office replies to OJPAC’s tweet in part “Thanks 4 reaching out! Ur concerns were directed to Division on Civil Rights. Have add'l info to provide?”

August 4: The NJ AG subpoenas Mahwah for documents related to its decision on parks.

Early September: OJPAC receives hundreds of emails and documents from Mahwah regarding the discussions that Mahwah officials had related to the park law which they approved in June.

September 6: The check OJPAC sent to Mahwah Township for the documents clears the bank.

September 19: OJPAC publishes an article headlined: Email Shows Mahwah Mayor Cited Lakewood in Recommending No Knock Ordinance

October 10: OJPAC publishes an article headlined: How Mahwah’s anti-Hasidic Park Law Was Created, Illegally Changed and Then Suspended

October 10: OJPAC publishes an article: Mahwah Gov Documents Reveal a Legislative Focus on Jews

October 11: OJPAC submits its two articles to the AG’s office and other offices.

October 24: The AG announces a 9-point civil complaint against the Township of Mahwah surrounding its decisions on the Eiruv and the parks

“There is no place for bigotry; certainly not in government. I am therefore glad that the Attorney General of New Jersey has taken the appropriate steps regarding Mahwah. This should help reassure the Jewish comnunity that governments would not have a free pass to be used for bigoted agendas.” - Yossi Gestetner, co-founder, OJPAC

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