A Win for All Women in NYC; a Defeat for Agitators

The City of New York will permit women-only hours at two of its 55 public swimming pools. Four hours a week at one place; two hours a week at the other place. The changes at the two NYC pools will give women of all backgrounds, of all communities, the comfort they deserve. Hopefully, the Commission on Human Rights will consider implementing such accommodations for women and men all over the city. A few hours a week accommodating each other won't harm.

It is important to mention that many who purport to be for women's rights or who claim that women in the Hasidic community are systematically oppressed, opposed accommodating women in this instance. The opposition from agitators against the accommodating swim hours - first requested by women in the Hasidic community - reaffirms that the "concern" these agitators claim to have for women in the Hasidic community is just an excuse to trash Hasidim.

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